Accountant WHA raises issues with Furlough and possible Redundancies

Urgent clarification needed over redundancy and notice period rules during furlough The Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme is so far estimated to have cost the Treasury around £14bn per month and helped protect millions of jobs in the UK. However, there is a feeling that the furlough scheme, as it

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Travlaw explains about Flexi Furlough

Whilst we await guidance on the changes to the furlough scheme to be published on 12 June, we recap below the changes to the furlough scheme announced by the Chancellor on 1 June 2020 and when they will come into play. 10 June 2020 – The last date upon which

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IATA clarify BSP Settlement process and timelines

[button linking=”new_window” link=”” align=”left” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”solid” text_color=”ffffff” bg_color=”166936″]Click to view actual PDF[/button]

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COVID-19 Airline Refund policies

There are two distinct types of airline, low cost airlines such as easyJet and IATA airlines such as British Airways and depending on which category the airline falls in can impact its refund policy. Under the current Covid-19 pandemic most governments are now advising against all but essential travel which

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COVID-19 Exceptional Travel Advisory Notice update 23/3/20

As countries respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including travel and border restrictions, the FCO advises British nationals against all but essential international travel. Any country or area may restrict travel without notice. If you live in the UK and are currently travelling abroad, you are strongly advised to return now,

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Further government measures announced

The Chancellor is to announce an employment and wage subsidy package to try to protect millions of jobs. Read more here: [button linking=”new_window” link=”″ align=”left” size=”big” type=”standard” style=”solid” title=”BBC Business News” text_color=”ffffff” bg_color=”d40000″]BBC Business News[/button]

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COVID-19 Exceptional Travel Advisory Notice update

As countries respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including travel and border restrictions, the FCO advises British nationals against all but essential international travel. Any country or area may restrict travel without notice. Read more here: [button linking=”new_window” link=”” align=”left” size=”big” type=”standard” style=”solid” title=”Travel advice: Coronavirus” text_color=”ffffff” bg_color=”d40000″]Travel advice: Coronavirus[/button]

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